Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Scenes from Ohio: Marietta

I am preparing for a summer abroad (stay tuned for a lot of travel sketches!), and while packing, I came across some sketches from various times at home. So, enjoy some scenes from OH-IO:

Last summer, my family visited the Brandywine Museum (every illustrator should visit! #inspiration), then toured Philadelphia and Gettysburg. On our way back from PA, we went for a riverboat ride in Marietta, OH. Here are two marker sketches from the excursion:

(Portrait of the trip planner)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Tale of Two Cities...Greek Festival Edition

I dug through some older sketches and found some I had done at the annual Greek festivals, both in Columbus and Savannah. I enjoyed meeting new people, enjoying baklava à la mode, touring the Orthodox churches, hearing great music and watching the dancing. 
Festivals are great places to draw because one has to be quick, selective, and willing to talk about the drawings with passersby.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


En route from Savannah to Mt. Gilead, I stopped in Charlotte to see
David Černý's Metalmorphosis. It's good to see works in person versus in photos (not to mention the food trucks parked next to the sculpture...).

Memorial Day

Savannah's Veterans for Peace commemorated the day by reading names of the fallen. 
It was a very moving and somber tribute.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Some Ramblings on the Sublime

My art criticism professor shared this and I had to pass it along. If you can ignore the frequent close-ups of the judges, the performance is impressive. I love the integration of visual and performance art, and I know that it must have taken a lot of rehearsing. 

 A few weeks ago I took the ferry across the river and spent some time gazing back at Savannah as the sun was setting. Since I was alone, I decided to sing one of my favorite hymns:

O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

 A few days ago I was watching some distant summer lightning from a Savannah park bench, and again this passage from How Great Thou Art struck me.

The concept of the sublime is one that has fascinated me for a while, and my interest was recently rekindled reading a tiny bit about Lyotard's theories. The term refers to depicting overwhelming tragedy in a beautiful way. There is a conflict of interest as the viewer grapples with sadness, grief, and the elevation that comes from viewing something grand.
Turner's Snowstorm before the Port Entrance (translated)

I know I am guilty of diminishing the words 'awful' and 'awesome' (think Little Women), which should be reserved for the terrible, wonderful, and divine. If you catch me at it, just wink and say 'sublime.'

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Zoom by Istvan Banyai

Check out this wordless children's book set to music! The execution is fantastic, and the concept is brilliant. Well worth the watch.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Reblog from Gurney Journey: Dancing and Painting in the Gardens

Check out this fun day of drawing and dancing captured by James Gurney: Gurney Journey: Dancing and Painting in the Gardens. I think it's high time for an event like this in Savannah!

Caption Contest Winner!

The winning caption comes from ZebraBri (Your print is on the way!)
"If people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists-to protect them and to promote their common welfare-all else is lost." -Barack Obama
Runner up goes to Dotti: "...the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"-FDR

Other quotes:

      “However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”-George Washington

    “Tradition means giving a vote to most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead.” -G.K. Chesterton (I know, I know, he's not a U.S. President)


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

SCAD Illustration Expo 2016!

SCAD Illustration students will be set up to meet-n-greet and share portfolios this Friday
The event will be open to the public starting at 11 a.m.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Jubilee Museum

On my birthday last year, I decided to visit the Jubilee Museum in Columbus, OH. Fast forward to this quarter: since this is the Jubilee year of Mercy, I decided to turn one of the sketches I did there into a full-color digital illustration.

I like the energy of the original linework.

Thank you to the museum for showing me around the collections and providing insight about the pieces, and of course for allowing me to draw!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Savannah Scavenger Hunt: The Pirates' House

I had done this sketch before the postcard challenge began, but it just so happens to be one of the scenes!
I was with fellow illustrator and fine artist Jordan Wong, whose work is stunningly beautiful! After surveying some different spots around town, we happened upon this fun scene. The "pirate" was greeting visitors on tour buses, but in between gigs, he was kind enough to allow us to sketch him.

Savannah Scavenger Hunt: Forsyth Fountain

This small ink sketch was done in Forsyth Park and is probably the easiest of the postcard scenes to find.
The trumpet player is there often, playing tunes by request and chatting with passers-by. He once graced me with his rendition of "Come Back to Sorrento", even though I had no money to put in his donation bin.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Presidential Caption Contest!

Contest Announcement! I'm looking for a caption for my illustration below, and you are invited to submit your entries.  The winner will receive a signed print of the same piece.

*THE CHALLENGE: Your caption must be an actual quote from a U.S. President, 
while remaining relevant to contemporary issues.*

The Rules:
1) Cite your source(s).
2) Up to three submissions per person.
3) Do not add commentary, only the quote and author. No mudslinging or endorsing here!
4) Submissions are due on April 25, 2016.

All the best!

Monday, February 22, 2016

1-Hour Paintings

Here is a sampling of some of my recent costumed life studies.  The hour time limit is a fun way to improve speed. The images are done directly on the surface with oil or acrylic paint. More to come soon!

Copyright Braelyn Snow 2016

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Live Interview Series-Saskia Keultjes

Photo courtesy of Alejo Porras

This week's SCAD Graduate Illustration Club (GIC) meeting featured a video interview with illustrator Saskia Keultjes. She provided insights into her art practice and motivational strategies. Her specialties are illustration and animated GIFs. 
Thanks, Saskia!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Savannah Illustrated through Vintage Postcards

The Tichnor Brothers Postcard Collection included these lively illustrations of Savannah. The images are a mix of tourist locations and advertisements. The Digital Commonwealth states "The Tichnor Brothers Collection contains approximately 25,000 office proofs of postcards of the United States published by the Boston firm Tichnor Brothers Inc. These are color postcards with a linen texture dated ca. 1930-1945. The concentration is on American vacation places."

The scavenger hunt is on. 
My goal is to find as many of these places as I can
 and create something of my own in the same spot.
I've done one so far, so stay tuned!

"A drive in Bonaventure"

"A beautiful garden in Savannah"

 "31 Trustees' Garden Village, ornamental iron work by Savannah Iron & Wire Works"

 "Aerial view, Savannah, showing park extension"

 "Aerial view of Savannah"

 "Allen's Deluxe Cottages"

 "Allen's Deluxe Cottages"

 "Amusement center at night, Savannah Beach"

"Azaleas in bloom"

 "Beautiful new Harvest House, adjoining Towne & Country Motor Lodge"

 "Broughton Street, looking east, showing main business district"

 "Brownie Gardens, one of the most beautiful in 'Wormsloe'"

 "Bull Street, looking north from Wright Square, at night"

 "Chatham City"

 "Dearing Chevrolet where Oglethorpe meets West Broad"

"Dream House Furniture Co."

"Dreamland Motel, U. S. 17 -- 3 miles north of Savannah, Ga., television lounge, modern room"

"Enjoy this courtesy and service, Garden City Cab Co., Inc."

 "Eugene Talmadge Memorial Bridge at night"

"Fountain in beautiful Forsyth Park"

 "General Oglethorpe Hotel, Wilmington Island"

"Georgia State Port"

"Glendale Shop, Savannah's most modern millinery shop"

 "Herb House (1734), No. 26, Trustees' Garden Village"

"Lake view in Daffin Park"

 "Memorial Hospital of Chatham County (1955)"

"Mirror Tourist Court -- Restaurant, bed room interior, exterior"

 "Modern Hy-way Homes Motel"

 "Modern Rainbow Tourist Court"

 "Rainbow Motel, on U. S. 17"

 "Modern Travelers Motel"

 "Nelson Apartments"

 "New and modern Bon Air Restaurant"

 "Old Christ Church, founded 1733"

 "Old South Manor Motor Court & Restaurant on U. S. 17"

 "Owens - Thomas House"

 "Savannah Municipal Airport"

"The General Oglethorpe Hotel and Golf Club, Wilmington Island"

"The Pirates' House (1754), one of Herb and Jim's restaurants"

Another version: "Pirate's House (1759), No. 20 Trustees' Garden Village"

 "The Plantation Inn and Motor Court, U. S. 17, 6 1-2 miles south"

  "Viaduct approaching from the north at night"

"Victory Drive"

 "Victory Drive"

"View along shore, Isle of Hope, by moonlight"

 "View along the shoreline, Savannah Beach"

"Washington Avenue"

All images Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons by Boston Public Library. Quotation taken from www.digitalcommonwealth.org/collections/commonwealth:0p096w19r